Through the IP Lens – An Introduction to PATENT LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS and its SIGNIFICANCE Patent Landscape Analysis – What is it? The vast and everchanging record of published patents and patent applications from patent databases the world over is a treasure mine for those invested in Intellectual Property ranging from universities, businesses, R & D […]
One of the oldest senses of our evolution is the sense of smell. Although for majority of the human olfaction plays a very important role for social and emotional part but can the same be used for identifying trade and commerce. As per Trips agreement “Any sign, or any combination of signs, capable of distinguishing […]
Broadcasting organizations, such as television and radio, have been grantedspecific ‘Rights of Broadcasting Organizations.’ In place of the originalsection 37 of the Act, the Copyright (Amendment) Act of 1994 included anew provision. Section 37 currently gives every broadcasting organization a distinct right toreproduce broadcasts called the “Broadcasting Reproduction Right.” The‘Broadcasting Reproduction Right’ is valid for […]