- To avoid reducing your exam duration, login to the exam portal at least 15 minutes before to complete the system check.
- You will be notified of the time remaining, 10 minutes before the end of the examination.
- If you skip questions, you will not be able to return to the skipped question/s at the end of the exam.
- Please avoid switching between tabs/windows. Switching will result in auto termination.
- Don’t exit the exam portal during the examination, it will result in auto termination of the session. You will automatically be disqualified after the 3rd attempt at exiting/switching tabs or windows.
- Please close all other tabs & windows before you begin the examination.
- You are not permitted to leave your device during the examination. Washroom visits and snack breaks are not advised.
- Do not connect to external hardware like displays/monitors/projectors, before or during the examination.
- You are not allowed to use headphones, earbuds/buds, speakers, or any other listening equipment. There are no audio instructions/questions.
- Except the examinee, no other person is allowed near the examination device.
- At the end of the exam, ensure you confirm the submission of your answers.
- Do not abruptly close the examination tab/window; wait until your answers have been submitted.